
Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin Bliss

My quest to stuff my maw with every morsel of pumpkin I can during the Fall season continued today with a double-whammy courtesy of Starbucks.

I started off with their pumpkin bread. If pastries had asses, this would've kicked the ass of the Tully's pumpkin bread, hands-down. Whereas Tully's bread was weak on pumpkin flavor, Starbucks packed in the pumpkin and topped the bread with pepitas for an extra texture and flavor.

To wash it down, I went for a Tall Decaf Soy Pumpkin Spice Latte, No Whip. My coworker & friend, Susan, got me hooked on these last year, and I expect I'll be indulging a few times before egg-nog overshadows pumpkin later this month.

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