Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mr. Goat, and Senor Moose

Today we went up North for our Second Annual trip to The Farm with Ruth and Paul.

We got some hot apple cider and cider donuts and kettle corn, and looked at lots of livestock and kitties. Paul & I saved this little goat, who got his horns stuck in the fence. Goats are super-cute, and I'm warming up to the idea of getting one, but their eyes still freak me out a little. They really do have devil eyes. Then we hit the corn maze - which they build in the shape of Washington State, with the trails through the corn cut where major highways and freeways run through our state. It gives local schools a great resource for teaching classes about state history, as the maze is littered with state landmarks and signs with information (though I'll note that the information about the naming of Kalama, WA is incorrect.)

I like to run in the maze, and hope that next year we can each enter at a different spot and try to get to the other end without running into each other in the maze - without maps. With the corn well over our heads, and dilapidated landmarks being eaten up by the corn here and there, it feels very Children of the Corn meets History's Life After People.

After picking up a pumpkin for me, we drove back to Seattle and hit Senor Moose for some dinner.

We started with esquites...

Then I dug into the manchamanteles.

And as we were wrapping up dinner, a little girl at the next table became enamored with us, and she and I chatted a bit about the state of the economy, national health care, and her cute little purse.

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