Thursday, January 28, 2010

Party Leftovers - Proscuitto Wrapped Cod

Tonight we pulled some leftover cod out of the freezer, and Dan told me to 'be creative' with it. I pulled leftover proscuitto (from the proscuitto wrapped dates) from the fridge, and a banana leaf, and did just that.

I squeeze a little lemon juice on the cod, seasoned with pepper, and wrapped each piece in some proscuitto and then in a banana leaf. I put those on a baking sheet and set them aside.

Then I chopped up some red potatoes, tossed with olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, put them on the baking sheet, and sprinkled them with fine unsweetened coconut.

I put the pan in our oven at 425 for about 30 minutes.

In the meantime, I heated up some frozen spinach seasoned with some truffle salt - since I was already out there with my other choices.

It actually turned out decent - though probably not the most cohesive meal. But we both enjoyed it. Some of the potato pieces could've used about 5 more minutes, and the fish could've used less, so if I roast potatoes and fish together again, I need to put the fish in half-way through cooking the potatoes.

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