Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tomato Basil Ravioli with Marinara

Another quick dinner tonight - just some tomato basil ravioli we got from La Pasta at the market, topped with marinara sauce from the freezer. Dan and I both prefer only a little sauce on our pasta, so we always have plenty leftover when we buy jars. For years I would put the jar in the fridge, believing I would use it soon - only to find it shoved in the back corner of the fridge, coated in mold months later. So I switched to pouring the extra into tubs and putting them in the freezer, so I always have some ready. I've found that using tubs with walls that taper out toward the top makes it easy to defrost the sauce quickly in the microwave, just long enough for the outer edges to liquify - and then it will slip right out into a saucepan to be heated up.

And speaking of things you forgot you had... I found some breadsticks in the back of the cupboards, so I tossed them in a small glass for us to enjoy with our pasta. After months, they were surprisingly crisp and satisfying.

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