Sunday, May 17, 2009

Raspberry Peach Muffins

This week's breakfast muffins are raspberry peach. I mixed about a cup of frozen raspberries we got at the market a few weeks ago into the batter, letting them break up into small pieces so that the batter became speckled with pink. I filled the muffin tin up, then I cut peach slices (also frozen, from Remlinger farms) in half, and stuffed half of a peach slice into the center of each muffin tin before baking. The result are raspberry muffins with a peach center.

I also made a small batch of mini-muffins, each with a raspberry in the center, which I took over to Jonathan, Susan and the girls when I returned their plate.

For breakfast this morning, since the muffins weren't made yet, we had one of Dan's Hawaiian specialties: a fried egg over steamed rice, topped with shoyu and Sriracha. Salty, spicy, sticky and filling.

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