Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Post House Hunt Dinner

After work today, we went and viewed a couple houses in the South end - the official start of our quest to buy our first home.

One was big and had a HUGE yard... but had a tiny kitchen and even tinier dining room, with the fridge shoved in the dining room. The other one was nice, but had no yard at all - despite being listed as having a huge lot. I need a big yard for our garden (and chickens someday), a comfortable kitchen to cook in, and a dining room big enough for our table so we can entertain family & friends.

So we struck out, but it was a good opportunity to get our feet wet and practice looking for what we want.

Afterwards, as a reward for our hard work, we hit El Sombrero for some dinner. I had the fish tacos, and Dan had shrimp enchiladas.

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