Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tofu Egg & Garden Scramble

Our plan for tonight was to make a scramble of eggs & tofu, and various veggies. I went out into the garden and found parsley, carrots, kale, and gorgeous purple viking, red, and yellow potatoes.

The potatoes got a little pre-cooking courtesy of roasting them at 450 for about 15-20 minutes, while I fried up some onion & garlic with the carrots. I put that aside, cut up half the tofu, and fried it, then crumbling the remaining tofu in. I set that aside and got to work scrambling up the eggs, then tossing in potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, parsley & kale, and the tofu, and letting it all marry together.

Although the flavors were great (and about as fresh as you can get, having been pulled out of the ground minutes before cooking), it was the colors of the dish that made me the happiest for some reason. I love seeing a whole rainbow of colors, because I know I'm eating a really well rounded meal in terms of vitamins and minerals.

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