Sunday, March 29, 2009


This post marks the 500th on my blog - a milestone I figured was worth celebrating. Dan did, too, and when he went to pick up some groceries today, he brought back a little treat for me in the form of one of my favorite indulgences: cake donuts with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. I know the color doesn't make it taste any different, but something about them makes me happy.

I thought I'd take this opportunity to thank the people who have helped me with this blog:

* Ruth - who's enthusiasm and generosity got me out of a rut and back to blogging & eating better, and who's gift of a "What's Cookin', Good Lookin'" apron has done far more than keep flour off my clothes

* Anna - who reads this more than anyone (besides me & Dan), giving me an audience to write for and feedback that makes me smile

* Jason - who shares my love of exploring the world of food, and helps give me opportunities to do just that

* Ellen @ Farmer's Market Forays - who's comment on one of my posts made me realize I'm part of a community of bloggers, and who's dedication to shopping at Farmers Markets reminds me of the value of that choice

* The Farmers at the UW Farmers Market - who grow delicious, organic, local produce and raise animals for meat in a natural way that allows those animals a real life before they become food on our table

* Our Moms, Carolyn & Jan - for sharing family recipes with Dan & I that bring us comfort on cold Seattle nights

* All our family & friends - for gifting me wonderful cooking tools through the years, without which my food would suffer terribly

* The Books team at - who keep my cookbook addiction from impacting our pocketbook

* Ana - for teaching me new techniques from halfway across the globe

* The TGRWT Hosts & Participants - for giving me reason to push my boundaries & play with my food

* Elsa - for being my first 'Follower'

* Food Television - for acting as my culinary instructors - teaching me how to make things like cream puffs and infusing my vocabulary with funny terms like mirepoix and mise en place.

* Our Cat, Caesar - who 'graciously' eats leftover sashimi-grade ahi tuna, and who adjusted without complaint to a new food after my melamine panic

* Everyone who's eaten my cooking, cooked for me, or commented on my blog, for fueling my love of food

* And Dan - for inspiring me to start this in the first place, for encouraging my passion for cooking & baking, for helping me remember to take pictures of everything I eat, for being flexible as I change my opinions about meat every few years, for cooking for me when I have migraines or am sick, for tasting even the most bizarre foods I've created, for cleaning up after my 'experiments' that use half the cookware in the house, and for helping me stay disciplined enough to create 500 posts in just over one year, documenting a journey with food that bring me so much joy.


AJ and O said...

I'm proud (and a bit embarrassed) that you know how often I read your blog... :)

Congratulations on 500!!!

Zoe said...

Congratulations on 500.
Anna turned me onto your blog and now I am a dedicated reader.

With 500 posts it looks like I have some catching up to do.

with David and Logan and Zoe