Although I was a little contradictory by deep frying the zucchini, Dan put steak, squash and quinoa on the meal plan for tonight as part of our goal of eating a little healthier. I'd never worked with quinoa, so I consulted a few of my cookbooks before realizing the package had instructions on it (duh!).

To give it more flavor than simply water, I started by cooking some chopped onion and garlic in butter in the saucepan, then adding water and red wine (1 1/4 cups total), bringing it to a boil, and then adding a cup of quinoa, reducing the heat, and letting it simmer for 20 minutes. It turned out good, similar in texture to couscous, but with more nutrients (or so I've read). I could've upped the ratio of wine to water, and added more seasonings, as it's a fairly bland grain. Next time, we'll see how flavorful I can get it!

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